
Explore and purchase all Excel-based solutions designed for performance tracking and analysis.


GPS Monitoring v1

$ 99
  • 1 User & 2 Devices
  • Compatible with Mac and Windows
  • Microsoft Excel 365

Record, Analyze, Set Goals, and Track Training Load for Your Team with GPS Data.

GPS Data Tracking & Advanced Load Analysis

Easily log and analyze GPS data in Excel, tracking training load in detail with advanced analysis methods and visualizations for teams and individual players.

Customize 11 different GPS metrics and calculate acute:chronic workload ratios (ACWR) for 7 selected metrics. The system allows up to 30 player entries, categorizing them into functional groups (Starters, Substitutes, Return to Play) to monitor average loads and training targets.

Utilize Daily, Weekly, and Week-to-Week Analysis Tables to track all players at once, with metrics, percentages, and ACWR values. The Microcycle Analysis Dashboard helps compare group and team averages, while Daily and Weekly Dashboards provide in-depth training load monitoring for each player.

For full details, click "VIEW DETAILS."


Fatigue Monitoring v1

$ 89
  • 1 User & 2 Devices
  • Compatible with Mac and Windows
  • Microsoft Excel 365

Evaluate Your Athletes Holistically, Track Their Fatigue, and Support Their Recovery.

Monitor Your Athletes’ Fatigue, Injury Risks, and Readiness

Assess the fatigue levels, injury risks, and training readiness of both team athletes and individual athletes you work with.

To evaluate your athletes comprehensively, you can utilize self-assessment tools, record HRV data, track neuromuscular fatigue and functionality, log perceived exertion levels, and maintain pain history records.

With the Athlete Overview Page, you can quickly assess an athlete’s condition on a selected date using the Control Box and analyze all performance metrics with graphical insights.

For in-depth analysis of a single metric, the Single Metric Page allows you to track changes over the last 120 days.

To evaluate all your athletes at a glance, the Readiness Page provides training readiness scores, allowing you to instantly switch to the Athlete Overview Page for those flagged with alerts. You can also use daily table structures to monitor the entire team at once.

For full details, click "VIEW DETAILS."

The Cloud

A cloud-based project management tool designed to help teams collaborate more efficiently and complete projects on time and within budget.

Complete projects on time

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